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Scripture and the Authority of God - Scripture within the Christian-People,BC
Scripture and the Authority of God - Scripture within the Christian-People,BC
by SPCK - N T Wright
Scripture within the Kingdom-People, BC ‘God’s Kingdom’, in Old Testament and Judaism, Affirms God’s Victory over Evil The question of God’s ‘kingdom’ or ‘kingship’ is raised, in the Old Testament and in subsequent Judaism, by the presence of radical evil within the good creation…
The Lord and His Prayer - Deliver Us From Evil
The Lord and His Prayer - Deliver Us From Evil
by SPCK - N T Wright
Deliver Us From Evil CHAPTER FIVE The previous chapter focussed on the Running Father, as we looked at the prayer for forgiveness. This time, as we come to the prayer for Deliverance from Evil, the dominant image offered to us is that of the Waiting Mother. ‘The hopes and fears o…
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